Sunday, January 16, 2011

My new blog...

I'm an elementary reading teacher and inevitably our school district has snow days during the winter.   Since I live in Kansas (where the local and state government is not very prepared for snow) we have quite a few snow days in a row each and every January.  My teacher colleagues spend the time off with their own children.  Since I do not have kids of my own, I spend my time on the internet OR thinking of brilliant new ideas.  Last week, as I was couped up at home for three days due to yes...snow and cold temperatures, I began to discover the overwhelming amount of blogs that educate, inspire, and entertain people across the world.  I instantly became intrigued and literally yelled, "Yes, this is my new bright idea!"  Soon after, I was disappointed in myself for not having paid attention in my Computer Programming 101 class back in college about 10 years ago.  That was the only class in my entire schooling career where I earned the grade of a C+.  It was devastating!  After the lecture about "Someday you will need that information that you failed to pay attention to.." from my dad, he took my car away as punishment.  Yes, I was a sophomore in college and my dad had the power and ability to take away my car.  My dad is another story, but someday I will tell you more about him.  Anyway, back to the computer programming the last few days, I learned how absolutely difficult it is to create a blog to my ever-so-high standards.  I keep reminding myself that I can not always be so detail-oriented.  Well, this blog may not be as beautiful as I would like it to be at this point, but I will continue to google, read, learn, and hopefully computer program so someday it's just the way I envision...perfect!  Yes folks, I am an obsessive, compulsive perfectionist and that is why I created this blog.  I want to share all of my crazy organized and perfected ideas that I create each and every day in my life, home, and classroom.  Some may think that I am crazy, but some may get totally inspired...

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